Thursday, July 31, 2014

Some of my favorite books by Stephen King

Stephen King is an amazing writer.  He's won many awards to prove it.  I've enjoyed reading many of his books, and hope to read all of his novels someday.  Of all the books I've read, I have to say I've enjoyed his Dark Tower series the most.  I'm not sure if it's because I'm a huge fan of series or the way he wrote the books, but I wish the story would continue on.  When I read, I put myself in the story with the characters.  The longer the story the more attached I get.  The Dark Tower series has many different characters and the story itself is like non other.  Stephen King has a way of creating fantasies that others can't grasp.  Many may not know that a lot of Stephen King's other novels tie in with The Dark Tower series.  Stephen King pulled characters from other novels into this series with ease and it made The Dark Tower books that much better, because you got to hear from characters you thought you'd never hear from again.

Th Dark Tower series is about a man named Roland Deschain, who's the last gunslinger on a mission to The Dark Tower.  He travels through the dying world in hope to restore it, The Dark Tower is the key.  The Dark Tower is the heart of all worlds and an evil is trying to destroy it.  Roland faces many trials and tribulations, makes and loses many friends, and has amazing life changing experiences.  

Although The Dark Tower series is very lengthy,  it's a must read, especially if you're a Stephen King fan.  All fiction, fantasy, mystery, suspense and a bit of horror fans would love this series.  Talking about it now makes me want to reread the series and relive the characters experiences all over again.

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