Friday, August 15, 2014

Pittacus Lore

Pittacus Lore has written the I Am Number Four series.  There are currently five books published in this series and it seems he is working on a sixth book.  I Am Number Four is also a movie, in fact I didn't even know there were books until I saw the movie.  So far only one movie has been made from the books and I hope there are more to come.

This series is jammed packed with lots of action and adventure.  Anyone would enjoy this series.

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson is an excellent author.  She's not well know yet I loved her Fools Rush In series.  I read the first book by chance.  I had just got a new nook and didn't have any books downloaded yet so I started browsing the free books section and low and behold, there was Fools Rush In.  It had great reviews and I figured it's free, can't hurt to try.  I was hooked by the first chapter.  I don't care for romances much, but I have to say I absolutely loved this series.  It brings faith and good doings into play, made me wish I could live my life the way the story depicted and I wish I had those sorts of people surrounding me.  Sorry guys, I don't think you'll like this series much, unless you like romance novels lol.

I enjoyed every page of this wonderful story and wish it didn't have to end, like I do every story I truly enjoy.  Excellent reads :).

Rich Riordan

Rich Riordan is another great author.  His Percy Jackson series are a great hit.  There's even movies based on his books.  His stories are very easy to get into and follow.  He has a style of writing that makes reading his books go by in a blur.  The Percy Jackson series has a lot of adventure and action.  It is geared more for young adults,  and maybe that's why I could read the books so quickly, but they are great reads nonetheless.  If you're into action and adventure I'd definitely recommend reading these books.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins has great writing ability.  Her Hunger Games series has gone global and each book made it on the big screen.  I can't say that I've read all her books,  just the Hunger Games trilogy.  Those three books were amazing reads.  I remember reading the second book in one day.  I stayed up all night but I finished it in less than 24 hours.  I will say I wasn't completely satisfied with the ending.  I felt it was unfinished and Suzanne could have done better, but over all the stories were great. I wanted them to go on and on and on.  Her books were very easy reads and enjoyable.

Bentley Little

Bentley Little's style of writing is very similar to Stephen King.  In fact a lot of Stephen King's fans also enjoy reading Bentley Little's book.  They both have incredible imaginations that sometimes leave you dumbfounded as to how they came up with the scenarios in their stories.  However, I feel Bentley Little's style is a little more grotesque.  He has some great books and some that was a bit much for my taste.  None the less he's still a  great writer and I've enjoyed most of his books.

James Patterson

I've read more James Patterson books than any other author.  That is largely due to the fact that he has many books published.  I have a thing for series.  I enjoy stories that continue on and on.  James Patterson has two series that have more than 15 books in each.  When stories continue on I feel more involved with the characters, like I'm sorta part of their story because I've been there from the very beginning till now.  James Patterson has a few mini series as well.  All his books, in my opinion,  are great reads.  The Womens Murder Club and The Alex Cross series are amazing books.  I couldn't put each book down and couldn't wait to read the next story.  I was hooked.  Both series have lots of mystery, drama and suspense.   There are unexpected twists and turns that keep you on edge and wanting more.  James Patterson's stories are very easy to jump into and follow along.  I definitely recommend reading a book from James Patterson if you're ever in between books or just looking for a new series.  Some of his books have even made it to the big screen.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer is another one of my most favorite authors.  I don't know what it is, but her books completely pull me in.  I can read through her books very fast and easy.  The storyline is easy to follow and put yourself right into it.  Every book I read, I felt like I was right there alongside the characters, everything happening to them, was happening to me.  Stephenie Meyer is known for her Twilight saga as well as The Host.  While the Twilight sage was first intended for young adults, The Host was intended for an older audience.  Both stories I have really enjoyed.  Both have also been turned into motion pictures.  Those of us who read books on a regular basis know that books turned into movies don't portray the entire story, and that the books are usually a lot better because there's so much more detail when reading versus watching a movie.  Non the less, the movies were still awesome.  So, everyone knows about the Twilight sage, so I'll talk a little bit about The Host.  It about an alien species that comes to Earth to take over and restore the population from all the hate and destruction that was caused.  The aliens take over the body and sometimes depending on how strong minded a person is, the body will resist and the person will still on within the mind, like two personalities but really it's two entities.  Well, the story is about a young woman who is so strong willed that she resist the take over of her body and leads the alien within her body to do things they wouldn't do otherwise.  It's an awesome story and I love the ending. 

Series by Kay Hooper

Kay Hooper is one of my top five favorite authors.  Her writing style is unique and very easy to follow.  Her first chapters are always very catching and hooks you right in.  All her books are great, but she has a series that's amazing.  It's called the Bishop series.  The entire series started out as just mini 3 book trilogies, but Kay linked them all together creating The Bishop / Special Crimes Unit (SCU) series.  The series is about a "special" unit within the FBI that uses special abilities to solve cases.  The cases vary of all different sorts but they mostly consist of kidnapping and murder.  The series are jam packed with lots of suspense, mystery, and a little bit of terror.  All in all, all books are excellent reads even on their own.  I've read the entire series several times and have had my friends read them as well.

(These are just some of the books from the series.)