Sunday, August 3, 2014

Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer is another one of my most favorite authors.  I don't know what it is, but her books completely pull me in.  I can read through her books very fast and easy.  The storyline is easy to follow and put yourself right into it.  Every book I read, I felt like I was right there alongside the characters, everything happening to them, was happening to me.  Stephenie Meyer is known for her Twilight saga as well as The Host.  While the Twilight sage was first intended for young adults, The Host was intended for an older audience.  Both stories I have really enjoyed.  Both have also been turned into motion pictures.  Those of us who read books on a regular basis know that books turned into movies don't portray the entire story, and that the books are usually a lot better because there's so much more detail when reading versus watching a movie.  Non the less, the movies were still awesome.  So, everyone knows about the Twilight sage, so I'll talk a little bit about The Host.  It about an alien species that comes to Earth to take over and restore the population from all the hate and destruction that was caused.  The aliens take over the body and sometimes depending on how strong minded a person is, the body will resist and the person will still on within the mind, like two personalities but really it's two entities.  Well, the story is about a young woman who is so strong willed that she resist the take over of her body and leads the alien within her body to do things they wouldn't do otherwise.  It's an awesome story and I love the ending. 

1 comment:

  1. I only watched Twilight movies but didn't read the books. Since English is my second language, I've been looking for some books that are easy for me to read so I will try to read her books. Thanks for sharing the information.
