Sunday, August 10, 2014

Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins has great writing ability.  Her Hunger Games series has gone global and each book made it on the big screen.  I can't say that I've read all her books,  just the Hunger Games trilogy.  Those three books were amazing reads.  I remember reading the second book in one day.  I stayed up all night but I finished it in less than 24 hours.  I will say I wasn't completely satisfied with the ending.  I felt it was unfinished and Suzanne could have done better, but over all the stories were great. I wanted them to go on and on and on.  Her books were very easy reads and enjoyable.


  1. Hi Shannel,
    I have never read The Hunger Games series before but I have heard great reviews from everyone who's read them. I have also heard that the first book was better than the second one. I watched the first movie and thought it was really good. I don't know how accurate it was to the book, but I would like to read the series one day.

  2. I don't read a lot but I like the hunger games movies that they made based on the book. I heard that the book was better and some changes were made for the movie. Maybe one day I will read the series to see for myself which is better, book or movie.
